Friday, September 17, 2010

As you are

 It's OK to love me

Let me put your mind at ease...
It's OK to love me.
Not a day, Not a year
Not a single measure of time
Can't compare or contain the melody my heart sings
I can't claim as my own
Your heart beats my rhythm
play it on.
Look at you proud and true,
been accused of the last thing you are that's abuse
I see you

everything you touch seems to thrive
and revive in my life

I love you as you are                                                        
just as you are.

Let me put your mind at ease...
It's OK to love me

I love you as you are
That's where I start
right in the middle of
deep inside of your iron heart
Let me put your mind at ease...
It's OK to love me

song and lyrics by Lizz Fields

1 comment:

  1. beautiful poem about love. at times people feel they don't deserve to be loved. all people are entitled to be loved we have to accept where they are comming from and let them know they are worth our love.
